
I saw this movie as the main character, Arthur, not as an evil charisma, but as a man raised by a mother with a narcissistic personality disorder. The first half is in Japanese and the second half is in English. ブログ全体の前半が日本語、後半が英語です。日本語のもくじは、各記事の下にあります。

Commentary on the movie “JOKER” #5 Street and Apartment Lobby

Joker (2019) – Arthur Returns Home To Penny / Arthur Gets Off The Bus Scene HD Movie Clip

 Evidence that the mother controls Arthur


After getting off the bus, Arthur stopped at a pharmacy and walked down the road to his apartment.

The steep staircase that is the setting for that dancing Arthur scene that represents this movie appears here.

He was exhausted and climbed heavy.


Climbing up the stairs and going a little further, there was an apartment building where Arthur lived.

Arthur has confirmed the mailbox. Attention here!


The name of the mailbox is P. Fleck.  Penny Fleck, the name of Arthur's mom.

In the scenario, their apartment is written as MOM'S APARTMENT every time, so it has a lot of intent.


What is the intention of writing MOM'S APARTMENT every time even though it is an apartment where the mother and Arthur live?

Why isn't it a "Fleck family apartment"?


This is a symbol of his mother's control.

A mother who cares more about herself than her son deprives her son of his will and puts him aside to take care of him.

A mother who has never imagined her son's independence, even though it is her son who earns the rent.

The mother believes that her son is her possession and does not think she is wrong.


This type of mothers brainwash their children at their own convenience, without feeling totally bad.



When it comes to this kind of topic, some people say, "Arthur is already an adult, so it's his intention to be filial piety.  It's wrong to blame his mother.",

However, if you've been brainwashed since you were a baby, it's really hard to get out of it.

There are many people in the world who are suffering from brainwashing even after their parents die.


And they don't know why they are suffering and can't think they can solve it.

From the point of view of the people around them, they look happy without any problems, but they cannot feel happiness.


When they become parents, they can do the same thing as their parents to their children. Unhappiness is passed down from generation to generation.

If you can be aware of your problem, you can avoid imposing the same problem on your child, but not many people are aware of it.

If we could solve this problem, the world would change to a better one and everyone could live much happier.





NEXT   TOC   日本語もくじ


P.S.   I’m sorry!  My English may be strange because I’m Japanese!

I’m studying English!!
