
I saw this movie as the main character, Arthur, not as an evil charisma, but as a man raised by a mother with a narcissistic personality disorder. The first half is in Japanese and the second half is in English. ブログ全体の前半が日本語、後半が英語です。日本語のもくじは、各記事の下にあります。

Commentary on the movie “JOKER” #7 Arthur meets Murray in a delusion

The Joker sees with his mother a show of Murray Franklin "Joker" Part 007


Arthur believes Murray is a wonderful person=Foreshadowing of Arthur's Murray killing

Arthur, who should have been watching TV in his mother's room, was in the audience seat of the talk show.  His appearance has changed to something a little better.

This is, of course, the scene Arthur is delusional about.

In the movie, Arthur shouted to Murray, "I love you!", And when he heard it, Murray made Arthur stand.  And the scenario was even more delusional and unnatural.


MURRAY FRANKLIN   Who's that there? Hey Bobby, can you raise the lights for me?

The house lights come up. Murray takes a few steps downstage

and points straight up at Arthur--

MURRAY FRANKLIN   You there, will you stand up? What's your name?

Arthur looks around at the people around him, and realizes Murray's talking to him. Murray picked him out of the crowd--


It's the same in both the movie and the scenario that Murray stands Arthur and even says, " There's something special about you Arthur, I can tell."

Anyway, you are free to delusion of any stale thing.


Although it was cut from the movie, in the scenario, there is a scene where Arthur sees a real mother once after Murray praises Arthur.

Arthur returns to reality for a few seconds in the middle of the delusion, and then back to the delusion.

It seems that this was to inform that "Arthur at the show venue is a delusion, and the reality is that he is with his mother", but it has been cut from the movie.

This probably means that the movie was intentionally obscured and changed to a style that encourages customers to think about the story.


Arthur longed for his father.

The delusion continued.

Arthur was called to the stage and received the cheers of the audience alongside Murray.  And Murray said to Arthur, "You see all this, the lights, the show, the love of the audience, I'd give it all up in a heartbeat to have a son like you," and hugged him.

In this scene, Arthur longed for his "father" and dreamed that if Murray was his father.

If you hadn't had a father since you were born, no matter how you grow up, you'll want someone like your father.

This is a foreshadowing that Arthur later was betrayed and hurt by believing Thomas Wayne as his father.

Arthur must have been very happy when the "real father" appeared where he had been longing for his father.

And at the same time, it is also a hint that Arthur killed Murray.

Arthur wished Murray had been his father, so when he learned that Murray was making a fool of him, he was shocked and killed Murray.


Immediately after the happiest delusion with Murray, there is a scene that is not in the scenario.  Arthur with his depressed eyes was illuminated by the blue, hazy light of the television.

Next to him is his mom.  It's a reality.

Arthur's face was exhausted and completely different from the good youth style in the delusional world.

Joker Official Soundtrack | Defeated Clown - Hildur Guðnadóttir | WaterTower


Being raised by a poison parent means...

Looking at this scene, it is a big mistake to interpret that "Arthur loved his mother."

As is often the case with those raised by a toxic parent, they believe that they love their mother, even if they really hate it.

They are unaware that they actually hate their mother.


Toxic parents do not love their children, but they demand love from their children. The Toxic Parent brainwashes his child, saying, "You love me."

Toxic parents brainwash their children and use them at their convenience.

Children are brainwashed from the time they were babies, so they don't know what they really feel.

On top of that, sadly, children want to love their mom unconditionally.


Children, at the bottom of their hearts, know that their mother is only using them, but they are not allowed to admit it.

The public says, "Parents love their children," and does not accept other opinions.  So, children find themselves wrong when they hate their mother.


Arthur really hated his mother, but he was not allowed to admit it to himself. This conflict is due to parents.

You really hate your parents, but you can't afford to hate them.

As a result, you always get angry that you don't understand, and you can't help but suffer.

Just like Arthur did.




NEXT   TOC   日本語もくじ


P.S.   I’m sorry!  My English may be strange because I’m Japanese!

I’m studying English!!
