
I saw this movie as the main character, Arthur, not as an evil charisma, but as a man raised by a mother with a narcissistic personality disorder. The first half is in Japanese and the second half is in English. ブログ全体の前半が日本語、後半が英語です。日本語のもくじは、各記事の下にあります。

Commentary on the movie “JOKER” #6 MOM'S APARTMENT

Murray Franklin's fan was actually his mother, not Arthur. He just wanted to please his mother.

Joker (2019) – Arthur Returns Home To Penny / Arthur Gets Off The Bus Scene HD Movie Clip

When Arthur entered the room, the mother asked him if a mail had arrived.

The conversation here shows that the mother is waiting for a letter from Thomas Wayne, which is, of course, a hint to the later scenes.


On television, after the topic of Thomas Wayne's candidacy for mayor, the Murray Franklin show began, and they began to enjoy watching.

Joker Official Soundtrack | Live! With Murray Franklin Clip | WaterTower


What we can see from this is that it was the mother, not Arthur, who was really a fan of Murray Franklin.

He carried water for his mother.

This seems to be incomprehensible when you become a parent that children say what makes their parents happy.


For example, when I was a child, I knew that my mother became happy when I say, “I want a younger brother!”

I often said it even though I didn’t know what younger brother was.


It is more important for children to make their parents happy than what they like.

For children, the happiest thing is that the mother is happy.


Arthur loved "Murray Franklin, his mom loves".

If he became a comedian, his mom would be happy, so he chose that path.


If you keep doing that, you don't know what you really want to do or what you enjoy doing.

This is a common story, even if your parents were not toxic parents.

Parents intend to hear their children's opinions, but the truth is that children only care about their parents.

This is often done by mothers who are not toxic parents.


Arthur believed that he loved Murray, but he didn’t.

If he loved Murray from the bottom of his heart and love comedy, he never wanted to die while aiming for a comedian.


Joker Journal - Joker - Best Clips


By the way, this was something I didn't notice when I watched the movie, Arthur slept with his mother in one bed every night.

When they started watching the Murray Franklin show in this scene, Arthur casually sat side by side with his mother in his mother's bed, but I didn't notice it because it was very casual.

If you looked closely, from the beginning, the mother's bed had two unnatural pillows that didn't look like she was sleeping alone.

I read the scenario and was surprised to find this in the scene after his mother was hospitalized.

I will write more about this in # 34.



NEXT   TOC   日本語もくじ


P.S.   I’m sorry!  My English may be strange because I’m Japanese!

I’m studying English!!
