
I saw this movie as the main character, Arthur, not as an evil charisma, but as a man raised by a mother with a narcissistic personality disorder. The first half is in Japanese and the second half is in English. ブログ全体の前半が日本語、後半が英語です。日本語のもくじは、各記事の下にあります。

Commentary on the movie “JOKER” #3 Interview with a social worker

The person turns to a psychiatrist "Joker" Part 003

In this scene, an explanation is given about who the Joker is and what the situation is.

Arthur wants to be a comedian, he is sick and is taking seven kinds of medicine, he had been locked up in a hospital, he has been told that he is ill since he was little, and he doesn't like suffering anymore.

You can also see that when he becomes nervous, he shakes his legs and have a bout of laughter.


The Joker gives a personal diary to their psychiatrist "Joker" Part 004

The social worker received his diary. In the scenario, she asked Arthur if it's okay to see it, but in the movie, she opened and read as a matter of course.

When the social worker told him to hand over his diary, Arthur squirmed and shook his legs.

He didn't want to show it because it had something personal.

The scenario says: PAGES AND PAGES OF NOTES, neat, angry-looking handwriting. Also, cut out photos from hardcore pornographic magazines and some crude handmade drawings. A flash of anger crosses Arthur's face--

If you were in his position, you wouldn’t want to show it to women.


But he wasn’t able to say he didn't like it.

Social worker probably would say "I don't want to show it" without any resistance when she doesn't want, so she didn't even notice that Arthur hated it.

You can see how hard Arthur is to live.

I just hope death makes more cents than life - Joker

The social worker who read a sentence in Arthur's notebook looked at Arthur with a stern eye.


I just hope my death makes more cents than my life.


As you may know, if you write this sentence correctly, it will look like this:

I just hope my death makes more sense than my life.


This is too serious for a joke to laugh.

When Arthur appeared Murray Franklin Show, he was looking at this sentence in his notebook and was making a joke that people couldn't laugh at, so it seems intentional to write “sense” as “cents”.



His writing is dirty because of his anger swirling in his heart, not because he is crazy.



After this, the social worker kept a screaming expression and asked, "How does it feel to have to come here? Does it help having someone to talk to?"

He replied, “I think I felt better when I was locked up, in the hospital.”

The social worker asked “And have you thought more about why

you were “locked up?".

In the movie, he replied, “Who knows?”, on the other hand, in the scenario, “Well my mother thought I was mentally ill, so she had me committed.”


You can see that Arthur as an adult had been imprisoned in a mental hospital in a white room where Arthur was hitting his head against the door.

Why was the information that it was the mother who arranged it important but became outtake?

There are a lot of important information in the scenario became outtake in the movie as if it were hidden.



What is particularly clear in this scene is that Arthur is suffering and that he is unaware of the cause.

He was in pain and thought that the only way to make it easier was to increase the medicine, but he was told that he could not increase it.  He said, “I just don’t want to feel so bad anymore.”

He said so clearly but couldn't make any further claims.




NEXT   TOC   日本語もくじ


P.S.   I’m sorry!  My English may be strange because I’m Japanese!

I’m studying English!!
