
I saw this movie as the main character, Arthur, not as an evil charisma, but as a man raised by a mother with a narcissistic personality disorder. The first half is in Japanese and the second half is in English. ブログ全体の前半が日本語、後半が英語です。日本語のもくじは、各記事の下にあります。

Commentary on the movie “JOKER” #2 Musical instrument store closing sale

Some guys steal the Joker's ad poster "Joker" Part 002


Arthur can't call for help or resist when kicked unreasonably because he was raised that way.


In the scenario, the order of the scenes is different, and before this scene there is a scene of an interview with a social worker.


As Arthur danced waving a yellow sign, the boys robbed the sign and ran away. He chased with his oversized shoes fluttering, and as he entered the alley, he was beaten down with a sign.

Arthur just protected his crotch with his hands and was left alone.

He was so miserable that just looking at it made me sad. The title of the movie is projected in front of the miserable Arthur.


Arthur cannot resist unreasonable violence.

His mother had a narcissistic personality disorder, so he wasn't raised properly and he can't think that saying "help" will help him.

So he couldn't resist or call for help . He couldn't resist being kicked or told unreasonable.

How Arthur was raised will become clear in the upcoming scenes.



Some have pointed out Arthur's low IQ regarding his poor interaction with people but If you are too sad or angry, it will be impossible to achieve your original IQ.

Arthur at the beginning of the movie is angry at the bottom of his heart and suffers without knowing the cause.


I'm sure some people don't understand that they don't know the cause of their anger.

If you don’t understand it, just remember, if possible, "some people don't know the cause of their anger, and they don't know it because of their low IQ."


As proof that Arthur's IQ is not low, there is a scene where he finally said what he wanted to say at the Murray Franklin show. He was fluent and didn't seem to have a very low IQ








P.S.   I’m sorry!  My English may be strange because I’m Japanese!

I’m studying English!!
