
I saw this movie as the main character, Arthur, not as an evil charisma, but as a man raised by a mother with a narcissistic personality disorder. The first half is in Japanese and the second half is in English. ブログ全体の前半が日本語、後半が英語です。日本語のもくじは、各記事の下にあります。

Commentary on the movie “JOKER” #1 Tears overflow from Arthur's right eye


Joker - 10 Minute Preview - Warner Bros. UK


Arthur suffering without knowing why he is suffering or why he is crying


This scene is not in the scenario. At the beginning of the scenario, you can only hear the laughter of a man.


What this scene means is that Arthur's heart is crying all the time, and it's a daily occurrence for Arthur to burst into tears.


Arthur has been painful for a long time, but he doesn't know the real cause of why he is having a hard time.

Some people say, "Don't you know yourself?", but you don't really know yourself. That is why people use psychoanalysis and other means of knowing themselves to solve their own mental problems. Because everyone really doesn't know about themselves

In this scene, you can see that Arthur is suffering.

He tries to smile forcibly after the tears flow, which indicates that he is smiling forcibly to live.

Arthur's heart is already about to burst with anger and sadness, but since he doesn't know what he's angry with, he has to smile to live well with others.

But he is not evil. Rather, he is pure and has beautiful eyes.

He is in pain and does not know what to do. So, suddenly, tears overflow.


Arthur's mother, Penny Fleck, had a narcissistic personality disorder, so even if Penny didn't intend to do so, her child would be psychologically abused.

Arthur, raised by a poison mother, could be even more mean.  But he's doing his best to keep smiling and be a good guy, but no one is aware of it.



In this scene, tears flow on the right cheek, and some people think about the meaning, but since Westerners read books from left to right, in the opening scene of the movie, the right-facing figure pushes the story forward. I wondered if it had power.



The intention of bringing this tears scene to the beginning of the movie was to show the message, "This is not a flimsy hero. It's not a Batman spin-off. Please follow us as we will go deep inside the characters."



As I wrote last time, the TV news sound in the background is foreshadowing how Gotham City is rough.







P.S.   I’m sorry!  My English may be strange because I’m Japanese!

I’m studying English!!
