
I saw this movie as the main character, Arthur, not as an evil charisma, but as a man raised by a mother with a narcissistic personality disorder. The first half is in Japanese and the second half is in English. ブログ全体の前半が日本語、後半が英語です。日本語のもくじは、各記事の下にあります。

Commentary on the movie “JOKER” #8 Get a gun in the locker room


A scene filled with hints

Randall gives the gun to Arthur | Joker [UltraHD, HDR]


You can see Arthur's distorted back.

This distorted shape feels like a representation of his state of mind.

There is a bruise on the upper right of his back.  Is this bruise a trace of him being tied to a radiator?

Who tied him up ... maybe Thomas Wayne's subordinate ... even if it's unclear, it's true that he was tied up.


This is the locker room, the same as the opening scene in the movie.

My colleague Randall came and talked to Arthur.

“You okay? I heard about the beat down you took. Fucking savages. “

This line is important. Randall knew that Arthur had been attacked.

In the scene after this, the boss blamed Arthur for not reporting the attack, but everyone knew it.


Then, Randall gave Arthur a gun.

In the scenario:

Randall comes over, hands Arthur a brown paper bag—Arthur looks inside, sees a GUN, a .38 SNUB-NOSED REVOLVER.

Arthur looks back up at Randall, confused--

RANDALL  Take it. You gotta protect yourself out there. Or you're gonna get fucked.

As Arthur stares at the gun--

ARTHUR (whispering)  Randall, I'm not supposed to have a gun.

RANDALL  Don't sweat it, Art. No one has to know. And you can pay me back some other time. You know you're my boy.


Later, Arthur will be betrayed by Randall, so this is a hint for that time.


A dwarf Gary came in and said that his boss, Hoyt, was calling Arthur.

Here Randall made fun of Gary being a dwarf.

It is a hint that means "Randall is a terrible guy, so he will do terrible things later." Randall betrayed Arthur and was finally killed

Randall's mean joke made Arthur laugh so much that Gary had a hurt face, but Arthur wasn't funny and laughed.

Arthur laughs when he doesn't want to laugh, and every time he laughs, he seems to hurt himself.





NEXT   TOC   日本語もくじ


P.S.   I’m sorry!  My English may be strange because I’m Japanese!

I’m studying English!!















Commentary on the movie “JOKER” #7 Arthur meets Murray in a delusion

The Joker sees with his mother a show of Murray Franklin "Joker" Part 007


Arthur believes Murray is a wonderful person=Foreshadowing of Arthur's Murray killing

Arthur, who should have been watching TV in his mother's room, was in the audience seat of the talk show.  His appearance has changed to something a little better.

This is, of course, the scene Arthur is delusional about.

In the movie, Arthur shouted to Murray, "I love you!", And when he heard it, Murray made Arthur stand.  And the scenario was even more delusional and unnatural.


MURRAY FRANKLIN   Who's that there? Hey Bobby, can you raise the lights for me?

The house lights come up. Murray takes a few steps downstage

and points straight up at Arthur--

MURRAY FRANKLIN   You there, will you stand up? What's your name?

Arthur looks around at the people around him, and realizes Murray's talking to him. Murray picked him out of the crowd--


It's the same in both the movie and the scenario that Murray stands Arthur and even says, " There's something special about you Arthur, I can tell."

Anyway, you are free to delusion of any stale thing.


Although it was cut from the movie, in the scenario, there is a scene where Arthur sees a real mother once after Murray praises Arthur.

Arthur returns to reality for a few seconds in the middle of the delusion, and then back to the delusion.

It seems that this was to inform that "Arthur at the show venue is a delusion, and the reality is that he is with his mother", but it has been cut from the movie.

This probably means that the movie was intentionally obscured and changed to a style that encourages customers to think about the story.


Arthur longed for his father.

The delusion continued.

Arthur was called to the stage and received the cheers of the audience alongside Murray.  And Murray said to Arthur, "You see all this, the lights, the show, the love of the audience, I'd give it all up in a heartbeat to have a son like you," and hugged him.

In this scene, Arthur longed for his "father" and dreamed that if Murray was his father.

If you hadn't had a father since you were born, no matter how you grow up, you'll want someone like your father.

This is a foreshadowing that Arthur later was betrayed and hurt by believing Thomas Wayne as his father.

Arthur must have been very happy when the "real father" appeared where he had been longing for his father.

And at the same time, it is also a hint that Arthur killed Murray.

Arthur wished Murray had been his father, so when he learned that Murray was making a fool of him, he was shocked and killed Murray.


Immediately after the happiest delusion with Murray, there is a scene that is not in the scenario.  Arthur with his depressed eyes was illuminated by the blue, hazy light of the television.

Next to him is his mom.  It's a reality.

Arthur's face was exhausted and completely different from the good youth style in the delusional world.

Joker Official Soundtrack | Defeated Clown - Hildur Guðnadóttir | WaterTower


Being raised by a poison parent means...

Looking at this scene, it is a big mistake to interpret that "Arthur loved his mother."

As is often the case with those raised by a toxic parent, they believe that they love their mother, even if they really hate it.

They are unaware that they actually hate their mother.


Toxic parents do not love their children, but they demand love from their children. The Toxic Parent brainwashes his child, saying, "You love me."

Toxic parents brainwash their children and use them at their convenience.

Children are brainwashed from the time they were babies, so they don't know what they really feel.

On top of that, sadly, children want to love their mom unconditionally.


Children, at the bottom of their hearts, know that their mother is only using them, but they are not allowed to admit it.

The public says, "Parents love their children," and does not accept other opinions.  So, children find themselves wrong when they hate their mother.


Arthur really hated his mother, but he was not allowed to admit it to himself. This conflict is due to parents.

You really hate your parents, but you can't afford to hate them.

As a result, you always get angry that you don't understand, and you can't help but suffer.

Just like Arthur did.




NEXT   TOC   日本語もくじ


P.S.   I’m sorry!  My English may be strange because I’m Japanese!

I’m studying English!!









Commentary on the movie “JOKER” #6 MOM'S APARTMENT

Murray Franklin's fan was actually his mother, not Arthur. He just wanted to please his mother.

Joker (2019) – Arthur Returns Home To Penny / Arthur Gets Off The Bus Scene HD Movie Clip

When Arthur entered the room, the mother asked him if a mail had arrived.

The conversation here shows that the mother is waiting for a letter from Thomas Wayne, which is, of course, a hint to the later scenes.


On television, after the topic of Thomas Wayne's candidacy for mayor, the Murray Franklin show began, and they began to enjoy watching.

Joker Official Soundtrack | Live! With Murray Franklin Clip | WaterTower


What we can see from this is that it was the mother, not Arthur, who was really a fan of Murray Franklin.

He carried water for his mother.

This seems to be incomprehensible when you become a parent that children say what makes their parents happy.


For example, when I was a child, I knew that my mother became happy when I say, “I want a younger brother!”

I often said it even though I didn’t know what younger brother was.


It is more important for children to make their parents happy than what they like.

For children, the happiest thing is that the mother is happy.


Arthur loved "Murray Franklin, his mom loves".

If he became a comedian, his mom would be happy, so he chose that path.


If you keep doing that, you don't know what you really want to do or what you enjoy doing.

This is a common story, even if your parents were not toxic parents.

Parents intend to hear their children's opinions, but the truth is that children only care about their parents.

This is often done by mothers who are not toxic parents.


Arthur believed that he loved Murray, but he didn’t.

If he loved Murray from the bottom of his heart and love comedy, he never wanted to die while aiming for a comedian.


Joker Journal - Joker - Best Clips


By the way, this was something I didn't notice when I watched the movie, Arthur slept with his mother in one bed every night.

When they started watching the Murray Franklin show in this scene, Arthur casually sat side by side with his mother in his mother's bed, but I didn't notice it because it was very casual.

If you looked closely, from the beginning, the mother's bed had two unnatural pillows that didn't look like she was sleeping alone.

I read the scenario and was surprised to find this in the scene after his mother was hospitalized.

I will write more about this in # 34.



NEXT   TOC   日本語もくじ


P.S.   I’m sorry!  My English may be strange because I’m Japanese!

I’m studying English!!





Commentary on the movie “JOKER” #5 Street and Apartment Lobby

Joker (2019) – Arthur Returns Home To Penny / Arthur Gets Off The Bus Scene HD Movie Clip

 Evidence that the mother controls Arthur


After getting off the bus, Arthur stopped at a pharmacy and walked down the road to his apartment.

The steep staircase that is the setting for that dancing Arthur scene that represents this movie appears here.

He was exhausted and climbed heavy.


Climbing up the stairs and going a little further, there was an apartment building where Arthur lived.

Arthur has confirmed the mailbox. Attention here!


The name of the mailbox is P. Fleck.  Penny Fleck, the name of Arthur's mom.

In the scenario, their apartment is written as MOM'S APARTMENT every time, so it has a lot of intent.


What is the intention of writing MOM'S APARTMENT every time even though it is an apartment where the mother and Arthur live?

Why isn't it a "Fleck family apartment"?


This is a symbol of his mother's control.

A mother who cares more about herself than her son deprives her son of his will and puts him aside to take care of him.

A mother who has never imagined her son's independence, even though it is her son who earns the rent.

The mother believes that her son is her possession and does not think she is wrong.


This type of mothers brainwash their children at their own convenience, without feeling totally bad.



When it comes to this kind of topic, some people say, "Arthur is already an adult, so it's his intention to be filial piety.  It's wrong to blame his mother.",

However, if you've been brainwashed since you were a baby, it's really hard to get out of it.

There are many people in the world who are suffering from brainwashing even after their parents die.


And they don't know why they are suffering and can't think they can solve it.

From the point of view of the people around them, they look happy without any problems, but they cannot feel happiness.


When they become parents, they can do the same thing as their parents to their children. Unhappiness is passed down from generation to generation.

If you can be aware of your problem, you can avoid imposing the same problem on your child, but not many people are aware of it.

If we could solve this problem, the world would change to a better one and everyone could live much happier.





NEXT   TOC   日本語もくじ


P.S.   I’m sorry!  My English may be strange because I’m Japanese!

I’m studying English!!




Commentary on the movie “JOKER” #4 Child and Mother in a Bus

The Joker loses control of their laughter on a public bus "Joker" Part 005

A scene for people watching this movie to know the card that explains his laughter attack


When Arthur made the child laugh, the mother complained.

He had a bout of laughter and gave her the card explaining his illness.

This is a scene for people watching this movie to know the card that explains his laughter attack.

It is a hint of a scene where a bout of laughter occurred in the subway, his luggage was robbed while trying to show the card, and Arthur shot three people.


This scene, in the scenario:

She doesn't read it. She just shakes her head annoyed and throws the card on the ground.

Arthur laughs harder. Tears running down his face.

Not wanting to attract any more attention to himself, he covers his mouth with his threadbare scarf, trying to muffle the laughter--


On the other hand, in the movie the card was read and the mother said "Sorry".

I think they intended to make the scene that there was no one in the world who respected Arthur, but was it changed. Maybe there was some consideration.

It feels strange for this mother to say Sorry in this scene.


At this point, even the "have-nots" people had not accepted Arthur, and they started accepting him after the shooting of three people. This should be the flow of the story, but it's different.

There must have been something.




NEXT   TOC   日本語もくじ


P.S.   I’m sorry!  My English may be strange because I’m Japanese!

I’m studying English!!







Commentary on the movie “JOKER” #3 Interview with a social worker

The person turns to a psychiatrist "Joker" Part 003

In this scene, an explanation is given about who the Joker is and what the situation is.

Arthur wants to be a comedian, he is sick and is taking seven kinds of medicine, he had been locked up in a hospital, he has been told that he is ill since he was little, and he doesn't like suffering anymore.

You can also see that when he becomes nervous, he shakes his legs and have a bout of laughter.


The Joker gives a personal diary to their psychiatrist "Joker" Part 004

The social worker received his diary. In the scenario, she asked Arthur if it's okay to see it, but in the movie, she opened and read as a matter of course.

When the social worker told him to hand over his diary, Arthur squirmed and shook his legs.

He didn't want to show it because it had something personal.

The scenario says: PAGES AND PAGES OF NOTES, neat, angry-looking handwriting. Also, cut out photos from hardcore pornographic magazines and some crude handmade drawings. A flash of anger crosses Arthur's face--

If you were in his position, you wouldn’t want to show it to women.


But he wasn’t able to say he didn't like it.

Social worker probably would say "I don't want to show it" without any resistance when she doesn't want, so she didn't even notice that Arthur hated it.

You can see how hard Arthur is to live.

I just hope death makes more cents than life - Joker

The social worker who read a sentence in Arthur's notebook looked at Arthur with a stern eye.


I just hope my death makes more cents than my life.


As you may know, if you write this sentence correctly, it will look like this:

I just hope my death makes more sense than my life.


This is too serious for a joke to laugh.

When Arthur appeared Murray Franklin Show, he was looking at this sentence in his notebook and was making a joke that people couldn't laugh at, so it seems intentional to write “sense” as “cents”.



His writing is dirty because of his anger swirling in his heart, not because he is crazy.



After this, the social worker kept a screaming expression and asked, "How does it feel to have to come here? Does it help having someone to talk to?"

He replied, “I think I felt better when I was locked up, in the hospital.”

The social worker asked “And have you thought more about why

you were “locked up?".

In the movie, he replied, “Who knows?”, on the other hand, in the scenario, “Well my mother thought I was mentally ill, so she had me committed.”


You can see that Arthur as an adult had been imprisoned in a mental hospital in a white room where Arthur was hitting his head against the door.

Why was the information that it was the mother who arranged it important but became outtake?

There are a lot of important information in the scenario became outtake in the movie as if it were hidden.



What is particularly clear in this scene is that Arthur is suffering and that he is unaware of the cause.

He was in pain and thought that the only way to make it easier was to increase the medicine, but he was told that he could not increase it.  He said, “I just don’t want to feel so bad anymore.”

He said so clearly but couldn't make any further claims.




NEXT   TOC   日本語もくじ


P.S.   I’m sorry!  My English may be strange because I’m Japanese!

I’m studying English!!









Commentary on the movie “JOKER” #2 Musical instrument store closing sale

Some guys steal the Joker's ad poster "Joker" Part 002


Arthur can't call for help or resist when kicked unreasonably because he was raised that way.


In the scenario, the order of the scenes is different, and before this scene there is a scene of an interview with a social worker.


As Arthur danced waving a yellow sign, the boys robbed the sign and ran away. He chased with his oversized shoes fluttering, and as he entered the alley, he was beaten down with a sign.

Arthur just protected his crotch with his hands and was left alone.

He was so miserable that just looking at it made me sad. The title of the movie is projected in front of the miserable Arthur.


Arthur cannot resist unreasonable violence.

His mother had a narcissistic personality disorder, so he wasn't raised properly and he can't think that saying "help" will help him.

So he couldn't resist or call for help . He couldn't resist being kicked or told unreasonable.

How Arthur was raised will become clear in the upcoming scenes.



Some have pointed out Arthur's low IQ regarding his poor interaction with people but If you are too sad or angry, it will be impossible to achieve your original IQ.

Arthur at the beginning of the movie is angry at the bottom of his heart and suffers without knowing the cause.


I'm sure some people don't understand that they don't know the cause of their anger.

If you don’t understand it, just remember, if possible, "some people don't know the cause of their anger, and they don't know it because of their low IQ."


As proof that Arthur's IQ is not low, there is a scene where he finally said what he wanted to say at the Murray Franklin show. He was fluent and didn't seem to have a very low IQ








P.S.   I’m sorry!  My English may be strange because I’m Japanese!

I’m studying English!!
